Omi was sleeping.I went to the kitchen to do some. work.I had put pillows to one side on bed,on side where she used to turn.After half an hour or so,Omi's crying was heard. I rushed to bedroom, at first glance Omi was not to be found on the place she had to be,thoughts went through my mind,was omi with baba but baba had went outside, again I scanned through room and their she was under bed crying.I was so afraid I just picked her up and went outside. My baby was crying and wailing and I was not able to do anything.After sometime, she stopped crying and again that smiling face mode was on,I was relieved.I had fast check whether she was hurt anywhere.
When I came back to room I examined the place where she fell,she had turned on other side to where pillows were kept and went after balloon to corner of bed,there was a bag under the bed she had fall on that bag.Thank GOD.She fell sideways so she was not hurt.
But this is it My baby had her first free fall.Yes there are going to be many more falls and she has to go through them.Hope that everytime she has fall on any turn of her life ,we or at least someone is their to pick her up and sooth her.