Today 11th Dec.My Best Friend AMRITA's B'Day as well Our Princess Omi's Two Months are done.
I had asked Omi's Amu-Mau to come to satara to celebrate her b'day with Omi. She was not able to come but her gifts for omi have arrived. Dresses are cute. Amu-mau has yet to see Omi, but the fact is Amrita is Our Omi's Godmother.
To tell about our these two months, they were fast, very very fast and with lot of day to day changes in Omi.
She has started to lift her back pull herself up and turning sideways. Her voices have started to come out when she wants to go out to roam as well very loud cry when she is hunger. Eyes are talking brightly and mouth without teeth is having smile.
Bathing done in morning has lots of cries because of massage done. Evening wash is enjoyed with giggles, which is done by Meena Mami. While drinking she gives all kind of facial expressions. I adore this moment the most. Every mother must be doing the same.
Other major events in this month where that of ear piercing which was done on 24th nov. She didn't cry at all. Really admirable. She had her first triple polio injection on 28thnov which was given on both thighs, she cried for quiet some time. I was also crying with her.
Days are passing. Our Omi is growing.
Let me share these moments to make memorable Blog for Our Omi to read.