Today its been one month since the arrival of our little Princess.
And I am starting the blog today to mark the Day.
One Month earlier
11 Oct ,
The day was awesome , I got up early had tea and Marie Biscuit,for me it was the normal routine day,had morning chat with neighbour Sangita Vahini. Abhis and baba were out of station to Kolhapur for Mahalaxmi Pooja as navratri was going on . this was navratris third day.
I and my Hubby were going to go to Dr Howale for removal of stitch which was done in Fifth month with Baby. Wen at Hospital in afternoon Dr suggested to relax and that the delivery wud be normal and done withing next few days.When we came home we were quiet relaxed had lunch., had call with few family frens telling them about Dr say.
In evening at about 5 pm i had my tea with biscuits. hubby was with mother-in-law as she was also admitted in hospital.abhi n baba were on there way to satara but had not yet arrived. I and two maushis were at home.
While I was having evening walk i had sensation some of amnoitic fluid had fallen,i went to toilet to discover some flow,i had call to Dr, she asked me to come to hospital for check up,i called my hubby asked him to come.
When we were leaving for hospital that was about 6.15pm, I have had bath and I knew it wud be normal chk up.did my prayers before leaving.at the point of leaving baba arrived and unknowingly i began to cry.seeing me cry he also decided to come to hospital.
At arrival ,doctor did some chk up on me,she went outside and declared that delivery has to be done now itself.scissoring was done.
So at 8.44pm on 11oct(amitabh's Bday)2010 wen Kbc season 3 was about to start on Sony Telivision My princess Omi arrived .Mom and daughter were in Good health.
Most of My relatives and Frens had arrived at hospital which i had also not known.Thanks all for their presence and good wishes .
Thats how arrival day was.Had never expected 11oct day wud end this way. Two becoming Three.First Thing Ranjit said to me was "its Gal" and i replied " That's surprise".
To tell other thing Omi' grandfather i.e. My baba had made Doctor to perform operation on gurujii specified time . He made to wait half hr to get exact time.Ha ha ha.
Its been Month Now. Today we are going to have first month Birthday Blast.
Will Share other things too.
MotherHood Is Great Thing.